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Draw points with values displayed as colors. Two different sets of values can be shown simultaneously: one in the background and one in the contour.


points_colorscale(X, Y, values,
                  bg.palette = hcl.colors(1000, "Reds 3", rev=T),
                  col.palette = hcl.colors(1000, "Reds 3",rev=T),
                  bg.range = NULL, col.range = NULL,
                  pch = 21, cex = 2, lwd = 1.5, force.range = TRUE,
                  add.col.legend = FALSE, ...)


X, Y

Coordinates of the points to be displayed.


values of the quantity to be shown at the sampling sites. It can be a single vector (colors are shown on the inside of the points), or a data frame (the first column is related to colors on the inside, the second to colors on the outside of the points).

bg.palette, col.palette

Color palettes for values on the inside and outside of the points, respectively.

bg.range, col.range

Ranges for the legend for values on the inside and outside of the points, respectively. If not specified, the range of values (min-max) is used.

pch, cex, lwd

Same as in plot() (Note: only use values between 21-25 for pch).


Locical. If TRUE, values outside the range are constrained at the boundaries of the range; if FALSE, a transparent color is used.


Logical. Add a legend for values on the outside of the points?


Additional arguments to be passed to imagePlot to draw the legend.


No output is produced. This function is used for its side effetcs.


A call to points is performed in the background. Therefore, a plot window must be open when this function is called.


if (FALSE) { # interactive() && traudem::can_register_taudem()
fp <- system.file("extdata/wigger.tif", package="rivnet")
river <- extract_river(outlet=c(637478,237413), DEM=fp)
river <- aggregate_river(river)

# some random location of sampling sites, just to test the function
samplingSites <- c(2,15,30,78,97,117,132,106,138,153,156,159,
# we use drainage area as an example variable to be shown

# 1) the function must be called after "plot(river)"
points_colorscale(river$AG$X[samplingSites], river$AG$Y[samplingSites],

# 2) change color palette
points_colorscale(river$AG$X[samplingSites], river$AG$Y[samplingSites],
                  bg.palette = hcl.colors(1000, "Inferno"))

# 3) impose a different range
points_colorscale(river$AG$X[samplingSites], river$AG$Y[samplingSites],
                  bg.range = c(0, 1e8))

# 4) show values outside the range as transparent
points_colorscale(river$AG$X[samplingSites], river$AG$Y[samplingSites],
                  bg.range = c(0, 1e8), force.range = FALSE)

# 5) show values both on inside and outside of the points (
# drainage area at the upstream vs. downstream end of the reach)
points_colorscale(river$AG$X[samplingSites], river$AG$Y[samplingSites],
            data.frame(river$AG$A[samplingSites], 1.5*river$AG$A[samplingSites]),
            bg.range = c(0, 1e8), col.range = c(0, 1e8), 
            lwd = 4)# increase contour line so it's more visible
# specify same range for both bg.range and col.range
# otherwise they will be shown on different scale      

# 6) same as before, but show two different quantities: 
# drainage area (inside) vs. elevation (outside)
# use different color palettes and add legend for the second color palette
points_colorscale(river$AG$X[samplingSites], river$AG$Y[samplingSites],
            data.frame(river$AG$A[samplingSites], river$AG$Z[samplingSites]),
            col.palette = terrain.colors(1000),
            lwd = 4, add.col.legend = TRUE)