Draw points with a colorscale
Draw points with values displayed as colors. Two different sets of values can be shown simultaneously: one in the background and one in the contour.
points_colorscale(X, Y, values,
bg.palette = hcl.colors(1000, "Reds 3", rev=T),
col.palette = hcl.colors(1000, "Reds 3",rev=T),
bg.range = NULL, col.range = NULL,
pch = 21, cex = 2, lwd = 1.5, force.range = TRUE,
add.col.legend = FALSE, ...)
- X, Y
Coordinates of the points to be displayed.
- values
values of the quantity to be shown at the sampling sites. It can be a single vector (colors are shown on the inside of the points), or a data frame (the first column is related to colors on the inside, the second to colors on the outside of the points).
- bg.palette, col.palette
Color palettes for values on the inside and outside of the points, respectively.
- bg.range, col.range
Ranges for the legend for values on the inside and outside of the points, respectively. If not specified, the range of values (min-max) is used.
- pch, cex, lwd
Same as in plot() (Note: only use values between 21-25 for pch).
- force.range
Locical. If TRUE, values outside the range are constrained at the boundaries of the range; if FALSE, a transparent color is used.
- add.col.legend
Logical. Add a legend for values on the outside of the points?
- ...
Additional arguments to be passed to
to draw the legend.
A call to points
is performed in the background. Therefore, a plot window must be open
when this function is called.
if (FALSE) { # interactive() && traudem::can_register_taudem()
fp <- system.file("extdata/wigger.tif", package="rivnet")
river <- extract_river(outlet=c(637478,237413), DEM=fp)
river <- aggregate_river(river)
# some random location of sampling sites, just to test the function
samplingSites <- c(2,15,30,78,97,117,132,106,138,153,156,159,
# we use drainage area as an example variable to be shown
# 1) the function must be called after "plot(river)"
points_colorscale(river$AG$X[samplingSites], river$AG$Y[samplingSites],
# 2) change color palette
points_colorscale(river$AG$X[samplingSites], river$AG$Y[samplingSites],
bg.palette = hcl.colors(1000, "Inferno"))
# 3) impose a different range
points_colorscale(river$AG$X[samplingSites], river$AG$Y[samplingSites],
bg.range = c(0, 1e8))
# 4) show values outside the range as transparent
points_colorscale(river$AG$X[samplingSites], river$AG$Y[samplingSites],
bg.range = c(0, 1e8), force.range = FALSE)
# 5) show values both on inside and outside of the points (
# drainage area at the upstream vs. downstream end of the reach)
points_colorscale(river$AG$X[samplingSites], river$AG$Y[samplingSites],
data.frame(river$AG$A[samplingSites], 1.5*river$AG$A[samplingSites]),
bg.range = c(0, 1e8), col.range = c(0, 1e8),
lwd = 4)# increase contour line so it's more visible
# specify same range for both bg.range and col.range
# otherwise they will be shown on different scale
# 6) same as before, but show two different quantities:
# drainage area (inside) vs. elevation (outside)
# use different color palettes and add legend for the second color palette
points_colorscale(river$AG$X[samplingSites], river$AG$Y[samplingSites],
data.frame(river$AG$A[samplingSites], river$AG$Z[samplingSites]),
col.palette = terrain.colors(1000),
lwd = 4, add.col.legend = TRUE)