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Plots a river object


# S4 method for class 'river,numeric'
plot(x, y, type, ...)
# S4 method for class 'numeric,river'
plot(x, y, type, ...)
# S4 method for class 'river,missing'
plot(x, type, ...)



A river object (or a numeric vector if y is a river).


A numeric vector to be displayed (or a river if x is a numeric vector). It is equivalent to theme in draw_subcatchments_OCN and draw_thematic_OCN. If y is specified, the river must have been aggregated. See details.


Optional argument. If type = "SC" or type = "subcatchments", draw_subcatchments_OCN is used (provided that the river object is aggregated); if type = "elev2D", draw_elev2D_OCN is used; if type = "contour", draw_contour_OCN is used (provided that the river object contains the CM field as produced by landscape_OCN or extract_river); alternatively, draw_thematic_OCN is used.


Arguments passed to the plotting functions draw_simple_OCN, draw_contour_OCN, draw_thematic_OCN. See details.


This is an interface to the plotting functions draw_simple_OCN, draw_elev2D_OCN, draw_contour_OCN, draw_subcatchments_OCN, draw_thematic_OCN. If the river object does not have an elevation field (i.e., it has been generated by create_OCN or create_general_contour_OCN, but landscape_OCN has not been run), the plotting function used is draw_simple_OCN. If the elevation field is present, but the river has not been aggregated (via aggregate_OCN or aggregate_river), the default plotting function used is draw_contour_OCN. If the river has been aggregated, draw_subcatchments_OCN or draw_thematic_OCN are used depending on type. Elevation maps can be produced with type = "elev2D", regardless of whether the river has been aggregated.

Adding scale bar and north arrow. Scale bar and north arrow can be added via terra's functions terra::sbar and terra::north, respectively. However, note that arguments d and xy must be specified by the user (because no rast object is plotted). See example.


if (FALSE) { # interactive() && traudem::can_register_taudem()
fp <- system.file("extdata/wigger.tif", package="rivnet")
r <- extract_river(outlet=c(637478,237413),
plot(r)  # equivalent to draw_contour_OCN

# \donttest{
r <- aggregate_river(r)
plot(r) # equivalent to draw_thematic_OCN
plot(r, type = "SC") # equivalent to draw_subcatchments_OCN
plot(r, type = "contour")  # equivalent to draw_contour_OCN 

# equivalent to draw_thematic_OCN with 'theme' specified
plot(r, r$AG$streamOrder, discreteLevels = TRUE)
plot(r$AG$streamOrder, r, discreteLevels = TRUE)  # swapping arguments is allowed

# equivalent to draw_subcatchments_OCN with 'theme' specified
plot(r, r$SC$Y, type = "SC", addLegend = FALSE)
plot(r$SC$Y, r,  type = "subcatchments", addLegend = FALSE)  # swapping arguments is allowed

# plot elevation map
plot(r, type = "elev2D", drawRiver = TRUE)
# now add scale bar and north arrow
# sbar() # this would throw an error
# north()# this would throw an error
sbar(d=1000, xy=c(min(r$FD$X), min(r$FD$Y)-r$cellsize)) # this works
north(d=1000, xy=c(max(r$FD$X)+r$cellsize, max(r$FD$Y))) # this works
# }