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Function that extracts a river network from elevation data via TauDEM's D8 flow direction algorithm. It can return a river object and/or output from TauDEM functions as a raster file. Elevation data can be either downloaded from the web or provided externally.


extract_river(outlet, EPSG=NULL, ext=NULL, z=NULL, DEM=NULL,
  as.river=TRUE, as.rast=FALSE, filename=NULL, showPlot=FALSE,
  threshold_parameter=1000, n_processes=1, displayUpdates=0, src="aws",



A vector, matrix or data frame expressing the coordinates of the river outlet(s) (in the coordinate system identified by EPSG, or the same as in DEM, if the latter is provided). If a vector, the odd components identify the longitudinal (x) coordinates, and the even components the latitudinal (y) coordinates. If a matrix, it should have 2 columns (for x and y coordinates respectively) and number of rows equal to the number of outlets. If a data frame, it should have components outlet$x, outlet$y identifying the respective coordinates.


EPSG code identifying the coordinate system used. See It is required if DEM is not specified, and not used otherwise. It is recommended to use projected coordinate systems, so that lengths and areas in the river object are in metric units.


Vector expressing the extent of the region where elevation data are downloaded. It must be in the form c(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax). Coordinates must be expressed in the coordinate system identified by EPSG. It is required if DEM is not specified, and not used otherwise.


Zoom level at which elevation data should be downloaded. See get_elev_raster for details. It is required if DEM is not specified, and not used otherwise.


Filename of the Digital Elevation Model raster file to be used.


Logical. Should a river object be created?


Logical. Should a raster file containing results from traudem functions output be created?


Filename of the raster file produced if as.rast=TRUE. Only required if as.rast=TRUE. It can be a single filename, or four filenames, in which case four different raster files are produced. See Details.


Logical. Should a plot of the calculated contributing area and extracted catchment contour be produced?


Value passed to taudem_threshold. See example and `traudem` documentation for details.


Value passed to the traudem functions.


Numeric. Possible values are 0, 1, 2. If 0, console output is suppressed (barring some messages from elevatr::get_elev_raster, if DEM is not provided). If 1, succint console output is produced. If 2, extensive console output from elevatr::get_elev_raster and traudem functions is displayed.


Value passed to get_elev_raster. Deprecated.


List of additional parameters to be passed to get_elev_raster. Parameters included in this list override default options (for example, if two different zoom values are specified in args_get_elev_raster$z and z, then the latter is not considered. )


A river object. See create_OCN, landscape_OCN for description of its structure.


This is a wrapper to elevatr and traudem functions, allowing a seamless extraction of river networks from elevation data. The output river object is compatible with OCNet functions (it is equivalent to an OCN produced by landscape_OCN).

The workflow of TauDEM commands used is as follows: PitRemove -> D8FlowDir -> D8ContributingArea -> StreamDefByThreshold -> MoveOutletsToStreams -> D8ContributingArea. See for details on TauDEM.

When as.rast = TRUE, a raster file is returned. It consists of four layers:


pit-filled elevation data


D8 flow directions


contributing area for the whole region


contributing area with respect to the outlet(s) used

The raster file is written via terra::writeRaster.

If nested outlets are specified, the function ignores the upstream outlet.


if (FALSE) { # interactive() && traudem::can_register_taudem()
# extract the river Wigger (Switzerland) from DEM raster file
# outlet coordinates are expressed in the CH1903/LV03 coordinate system
# (i.e. same as the DEM file)
 fp <- system.file("extdata/wigger.tif", package="rivnet")
 r <- extract_river(outlet=c(637478,237413),

# \donttest{
# same as above but download DEM data via elevatr
r <- extract_river(outlet=c(637478,237413),
  EPSG=21781, #CH1903/LV03 coordinate system
# }

# \donttest{
# enhance resolution by increasing zoom
r2 <- extract_river(outlet=c(637478,237413),
  EPSG=21781, #CH1903/LV03 coordinate system
# }

# \donttest{
# specify two outlets as a data frame
r <- extract_river(outlet=data.frame(x=c(637478,629532),y=c(237413,233782)),
                    EPSG=21781, #CH1903/LV03 coordinate system
                    z=10, showPlot=TRUE)

r <- aggregate_river(r)
plot(r, chooseCM = 2)  # display only the second catchment
# (i.e. that identified by the second outlet)
# }

# \donttest{
# effect of threshold_parameter
r <- extract_river(outlet = c(637478, 237413),
                    EPSG = 21781, #CH1903/LV03 coordinate system
                    ext = c(6.2e5, 6.6e5, 2e5, 2.5e5),
                    z = 8, threshold_parameter = 50,
            showPlot = TRUE)
plot(r) # if threshold_parameter is too small, the outlet might be located
# in a smaller river reach, and the extracted river network would be too small
# showPlot = TRUE can help identify what is going on

r <- extract_river(outlet = c(637478, 237413),
                    EPSG = 21781, #CH1903/LV03 coordinate system
                    ext = c(6.2e5, 6.6e5, 2e5, 2.5e5),
                    z = 8, threshold_parameter = 1e5,
            showPlot = TRUE)
plot(r) # if threshold_parameter is too large, the outlet pixel might not be
# located at all (for instance, in this case no cells have contributing area
# above threshold_parameter), hence throwing an error
# }