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Function that plots real-shaped OCN and catchment contours.


draw_contour_OCN(OCN, thrADraw = 0.002 * OCN$FD$nNodes *
  OCN$cellsize^2, exactDraw = TRUE, drawContours = TRUE, colPalRiver = NULL, 
  colPalCont = "#000000", drawOutlets = 0, pch = 15, colPalOut = "#000000",
  min_lwd = 0.5, max_lwd = 5, contour_lwd = 2, add = FALSE)



A river object as produced by landscape_OCN.


Threshold drainage area value used to display the network.


If TRUE, the real shape of OCNs is plotted. If flow crosses a boundary, the pixel that is not contiguous to its outlet is flipped. It is only effective if OCN$PeriodicBoundaries = TRUE


If TRUE, plot catchment(s) contours.


Color palette used to plot the river network(s). Default is a rearranged version of theme "Dark 3" (see hcl.pals). colPalRiver accepts both functions creating color palettes and vectors of colors (of which the first OCN$nOutlet elements are used). If a single color value is provided and OCN$nOutlet > 1, all river networks are drawn with the same color.


Color palette used to plot the catchment contour(s). Details as in colPalRiver. Additionally, if colPalCont = 0, the palette specified in colPalRiver is copied.


If equal to 1, black squares are drawn at the outlets' locations behind the river; if 2 they are plotted on top of the river.


Shape of the outlet points (if drawOutlets = TRUE). See points for legend.


Color palette used to plot the outlet points (if drawOutlets = TRUE). Details as in colPalRiver. Additionally, if colPalOut = 0, the palette specified in colPalRiver is copied.

min_lwd, max_lwd

Minimum and maximum values of line width used to display the OCN (actual line width is proportional to the square root of drainage area).


Line width value for catchment contour plotting.


Logical. If TRUE, add to an already existing plot. Taken as FALSE (with a warning if a different value is supplied) if no graphics device is open.


No output is returned.


For not too large networks (i.e. if OCN$FD$nNodes <= 40000, corresponding to a 200x200 lattice), pixels whose drainage area OCN$FD$A is lower than thrADraw are drawn with a light grey stroke. If OCN$FD$nNodes > 40000, in order to speed up the execution of this function, only the network constituted by pixels such that OCN$FD$A > thrADraw is drawn.


# 1) draw contour of a 20x20 single-outlet OCN
# (for single-outlet OCNs without periodic boundaries, the output
# of draw_contour_OCN is very similar to that of draw_simple_OCN)
draw_contour_OCN(landscape_OCN(OCN_20), thrADraw = 4)

if (FALSE) {
# 2a) plot real shape of multiple-outlet OCN created with periodic boundaries
# add outlets on top of the rivers
OCN <- landscape_OCN(OCN_300_4out_PB_hot, displayUpdates = 2) # it takes around one minute
draw_contour_OCN(OCN, drawOutlets = 2)

# 2b) same as before, but use same color palette for rivers and contours
draw_contour_OCN(OCN, colPalCont = 0)

# 2c) draw contours of catchments obtained from an OCN with nOutlet = "All"
OCN <- landscape_OCN(OCN_400_Allout, displayUpdates = 2) # it takes some minutes

# 2d) same as above, but do not plot contours, and plot outlets 
# with same color palette as rivers
draw_contour_OCN(OCN, drawContours = FALSE, drawOutlets = TRUE,
    colPalOut = 0)
