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Compute a raster file where each cell value is a weighted average of upstream values.


rast_riverweight(x, river, 
                categorical = TRUE,
                weightNum = list(func = "exponential",
                                 mode = "flow-based",
                                 dist50 = 500,
                                 stream = FALSE,
                                 FA = FALSE),
                weightDen = NULL)



SpatRaster object (obtained via terra::rast) containing categorical or continuous variables from which upstream averages are computed. Its coordinate system must be the same of river. Consider using terra::project to change coordinate system.


A river object generated via aggregate_river.


Logical. Is the covariate categorical (e.g. land cover classes)? If x consists of several layers, it is possible to specify categorical as a vector of logicals (one per each layer); alternatively, the single value of categorical is applied to all layers of x.


List defining attributes of the numerator of the weighted average. See details.


List defining attributes of the denominator of the weighted average. If NULL, it is taken equal to weightNum. See details.


Lists weightNum and weightDen can include arguments func, mode, stream, FA and one between dist50, distExponential, distCauchy, distLinear, expPower. If not all of these arguments are provided, default values for weightNum are used (see examples).


expresses the type of distance decay function used. It must be equal to one among "exponential", "cauchy", "linear", "power". Only for weightDen, the value "unweighted" is also allowed. Distance decay functions are defined as follows:




\(w(d)=d_C^2/(d^2 + d_C^2)\)


\(w(d)=\max(1-d/d_L, 0)\)





where \(w\) is the weight of a given source cell, \(d\) the distance (see mode) from the source to the target cell, \(d_E\), \(d_C\), \(d_L\) and \(e_P\) are parameters.


expresses the way upstream distances are computed. It must be equal to one between "flow-based" (distances computed along steepest descent paths) and "euclidean" (i.e., distances as the crow flies).

dist50, distExponential, distCauchy, distLinear, expPower

Parameters for the distance decay function expressed in func. Parameter dist50 is the distance at which \(w = 0.5\), and it can be expressed for any choice of func. The other parameters are specific to a given type of func, and are equal to the respective parameters in the formulas above (i.e., distExponential = \(d_E\), distCauchy = \(d_C\), distLinear = \(d_L\), expPower = \(e_P\)). All parameters but expPower are distances expressed in the same unit as x and river. expPower is a positive, dimensionless value; note that the value of expPower depends on the unit of x and river (e.g., if distances in river are expressed in km, the same expPower will yield a different distance decay function than if distances in river are in m).


Logical. If TRUE, distances along the river network are not accounted for, that is, only distances (either along the steepest descent path or as the crow flies, depending on mode) from the source cell to the river network are considered. If mode = "euclidean", this corresponds to the shortest planar distance between the source cell and any river network cell. This implies \(d = 0\) for all source cells lying in the river network.


Logical. Should flow-contributing areas (expressed as numbers of cells upstream of a source cell–including the source cell itself) be included as a multiplicative factor to \(w\)?

To ensure computational efficiency for large and highly resolved rasters (note: it is the cell size of the river object that matters, not the resolution of x), it is recommended to use func = "exponential" (and/or func = "exponential" for weightDen) and mode = "flow-based". Values of stream and FA do not affect computational speed.


A SpatRaster object containing as many layers as the number of layers in x, each possibly multiplied by the number of unique categories featured in the layer (if the layer is categorical). If layer y x is categorical, the corresponding layers in the output SpatRaster object are named y_z, where z is the value of a unique category in the original layer y. If layer y in x is continuous, the corresponding layer in the output SpatRaster object is also named y.

The output SpatRaster object has the same extent and resolution (i.e., cell size) of the input river object.


#> terra 1.8.21

r1 <- rast(system.file("extdata/landcover.tif", package = "rivnet")) 
# legend: 1-urban; 2-agriculture; 3-forest; 4-improductive

r.exp <- rast_riverweight(r1, wigger)

# \donttest{
# unweighted denominator
r.unweighted <- rast_riverweight(r1, wigger, 
          weightDen = list(func = "unweighted"))

# alternative distance decay functions (with same dist50)
# these take more time than the default func = "exponential"
r.cau <- rast_riverweight(r1, wigger, 
              weightNum = list(func = "cauchy"))
r.lin <- rast_riverweight(r1, wigger, 
              weightNum = list(func = "linear"))
r.pow <- rast_riverweight(r1, wigger, 
              weightNum = list(func = "power"))

# ignore distances on the river network
r.exp_S <- rast_riverweight(r1, wigger, 
              weightNum = list(stream = TRUE))

# include flow accumulation in the weight
r.exp_FA <- rast_riverweight(r1, wigger, 
               weightNum = list(FA = TRUE))

# use Euclidean distances (takes more time)
# Euclidean distance from source to target
r.dO <- rast_riverweight(r1, wigger, 
             weightNum = list(mode = "euclidean"))
# Euclidean distance from source to river network
r.dOS <- rast_riverweight(r1, wigger, 
              weightNum = list(mode = "euclidean", 
                       stream = TRUE))

# specify exponential decay parameter in different ways
r.exp1 <- rast_riverweight(r1, wigger, 
               weightNum = list(dist50 = 1000*log(2)))
r.exp2 <- rast_riverweight(r1, wigger, 
                           weightNum = list(distExponential = 1000))
identical(r.exp1, r.exp2)
#> [1] TRUE

# }