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Function that calculates river width, depth and water velocity by applying Leopold's scaling relationships to nodes at the RN and AG levels.


rivergeometry_OCN(OCN, widthMax = 1, depthMax = 1,
  velocityMax = 1, expWidth = NaN, expDepth = NaN,
  expVelocity = NaN)



A river object as produced by aggregate_OCN.


Maximum river width allowed. If nOutlet = 1, it corresponds to the width at the outlet node.


Maximum river depth allowed. If nOutlet = 1, it corresponds to the depth at the outlet node.


Maximum water velocity allowed. If nOutlet = 1, it corresponds to the water velocity at the outlet node.

expWidth, expDepth, expVelocity

Exponents for the power law relationship between river width, depth, water velocity and contributing area. If none of expWidth, expDepth, expVelocity is specified by the user, the values expWidth = 0.5, expDepth = 0.4, expDepth = 0.1 proposed by Leopold and Maddock [1953] are used. It is possible to specify two out of these three exponents, provided that each of them lies in the range (0; 1) and their sum is lower than one. In this case, the missing exponent is calculated as the complement to one of the sum of the two values provided. If all three exponents are specified by the user, their sum must be equal to one.


AA river object that contains all objects contained in OCN, in addition to the objects listed below.


Vector (of length OCN$RN$nNodes) of river width values for every RN node.


Vector (of length OCN$RN$nNodes) of river depth values for every RN node.


Vector (of length OCN$RN$nNodes) of water velocity values for every RN node.


Vector (of length OCN$AG$nNodes) of river width values for every AG node.


Vector (of length OCN$AG$nNodes) of river depth values for every AG node.


Vector (of length OCN$AG$nNodes) of water velocity values for every AG node.

Finally, widthMax, depthMax, velocityMax, expWidth, expDepth, expVelocity are added to the list.


The values of contributing area used to evaluate river geometry at the AG level are equal to 0.5*(OCN$AG$A + OCN$AG$AReach). See also aggregate_OCN.

See also Leopold, L. B., & Maddock, T. (1953). The hydraulic geometry of stream channels and some physiographic implications (Vol. 252). US Government Printing Office.


# 1) Compute river geometry of a 20x20 OCN with default options
# and display river width at the RN level
OCN <- rivergeometry_OCN(aggregate_OCN(landscape_OCN(OCN_20)))